Model DFCG

The DFCG Switches are mounted on top of vessel. The inside level of liquid is checked by the float integral with a vertical rope; when level rises up to the preset height, the float makes the output device trip (trip on rise); when level comes down again and exceeds the preset height, the float makes the output device come back to the initial position (reset on fall); between the set and reset heights there is always a gap, named differential, of 30 ±10mm. The output device is a composed by a pneuamtic switch, is snap
action and is placed in the housing.
The inverse function is available too : Trip on fall and Reset on rise; it can be reversed by Domizi or by the same installer : it is sufficient to fix the pneumatic valve on the contrary in the housing, as per the Instruction Manual attached to Switch.
Finish : first coat in epoxy resin and outer coat in green polyurethane resin, suitable for marine and tropical climates.

The Level Switches meet the ATEX standard .
APPLICATIONS. They are fit for small and large dimensions vessels and for almost every kind of industrial liquids, and specially for chemical industry
(components of paints, solvents, trichloroethylene, etc), where assure safety operations. Fit for pressures up to 1 Bar, and for liquids with specific gravity
from 500kg/m³ up.

Connection to vessel. Top mounting by threaded body ¾” GAS-M (25mm threaded height). It can be in carbon steel, or stainless steel AISI 304 or 316.
To fix the instrument, the vessel should have a handhole allowing to introduce the displacer and the rope, and to screw them onto the rod.

Rope. In stainless steel AISI 316 and flexible; its length L defines the trip point of the Switch, and can be chosen 1m to 10m.
The displacer Ø76×125mm in stainless steel AISI 316 can be fixed on the rope at the desired height, thanks to an adjustable block : in this way it is the user
himself to decide the trip point.

Housing. It is in Aluminium casting. Size Ø125×180mm, water-proof, with 1 pneumatic valve On-Off-Vent (usage pressure : 1÷5,5Bar / 15÷80psi), with 3
threaded holes ¼” NPT-F for input and output pipes of compressed air, as well as for vent recovery pipe. It can be provided with 2 manometers Ø40mm
having 1/8” NPT-M connection.


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