Model DIL

The Indicator DIL shows on its Display the level of a liquid contained in a vessel, thanks to the following principle. Within the body of the instrument there is a float including special magnets; during the vertical float movement, the magnets make small rollers rotate within the nearby display; these rollers are two-coloured face : they show their red side when float goes up to their height, and show their white side when goes down.
In this way the instrument assures a clear and easy indication of the inside liquid, with many advantages : clearness (the display is always limpid and visible, even with oily and dirty liquids), legibility (it is 100% legible, even from far and under wide angles), safety (the instrument needs no periodic servicing/cleaning and no kind of energy from outside : it is a passive safety instrument).

In addition to the local indication, you can have also a remote indication of the level, thanks to Level Sensor that may be placed on a side of the same display; it generates an electric signal (4÷20mA) directly proportional to the level of liquid. Furthermore it is possible to complete the display with one or more Alarms, electric or pneumatic, able to trip when level reaches their heights; the heights can be decided and changed by final user also in a second time; so the instrument performs a double function, as Level Indicator and as Level Switch, with an increased safety and circuit simplicity.
They meet the PED and ATEX standards.
APPLICATIONS. Indication and operation at Max, Min or any intermediate level on vessels containing watery or chemical, corrosive, toxic, etc. liquids; for normal-high-low temperatures, and for pressures being very high too.
Body. Cylindrical, stainless steel AISI 304, with diameter and thickness corresponding to the different application needs, such as pressures and temperatures of fluid.
With liquids like water, stainless steel AISI 304 is able to operate with the pressures/temperatures listed in ASME standards; with other more corrosive liquids it performs good resistance, but it is necessary to evaluate each time the specific operating conditions.
Top and bottom ends of body may have accessories too.
Connections to vessel.
• Flanges, stainless steel AISI 304, size 1÷2”, ratings ANSI 150÷1500 psi.
• Sleeves, stainless steel AISI 304, size ½”÷1½” with possible mountings as per page 5.
The most popular connection-to-connection distances are 178÷6000mm.
Display. It is as high as the distance between connections, and is placed in parallel to the body. In it there is a series of small rollers : while level rises, rollers hide their white side and show
their red one. The contrary happens when level goes down.Display is anodized Aluminium and is protected by a transparent cover; it needs no kind of supply.
Level Sensor. It can be placed in parallel to the body. In it there is an electric circuit with a series of reed switches closing when are invested by the magnetic field of the nearby float.
While level is rising, the switches are closed step by step, with a consequent generation of an electric signal being directly proportional to the liuquid level; the signal (4÷20mA) can be
remote transmitted by a common copper wire.
Alarms. They can be fixed at will along the left or right side of display; they start up a control when liquid reaches the level at which they has been fixed : alarm for Max, Min and/or
any intermediate level. 
• Electric. 1 SPDT, reed contact, bistable, water-proof IP65, within aluminium body; flame-proof too. Load : 2÷250Vac-1A-60VA; 2÷250Vdc-0,5A-30W.
• Pneumatic. 1 On-Off valve, with usage pressures : 2÷6Bar / 29÷87psi.


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